My Lazarus Experience by Nyzia Nij'a
PUBLICATION DATE: Coming Soon | 2023 - OPEN for Pre-Orders Today!!!
WHO DO YOU PUT YOUR TRUST IN? Even though we may tithe and know there is a God, why do we still panic amid the storm? For a time, the world stood still in an environment where time didn't | 2020-2022. The media said stop. No shopping. No school. Get vaccines or die!
WHOA IS ME!!! Pity Party vs. Pamper Party? We choose!! How often when the storms rage, the bills pile up, sickness prevails, recession hits, grief strikes, or devastation hits us suddenly, and we fold with the ways of the wind? We are blowing through emotions, tears, depression, anxiety, and fear. Never stopping to realize I am a child of a Powerful God. The same God who set the stars in the sky and the clouds is in the air. You can do all things but fail. In the book "My Lazarus Pandemic Experience," Nyzia Nij'a tells how HOPE & FAITH stood still and healing took place. If you say you love your God, stand still and witness miracles, signs, and wonders.
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